Upcoming Events 2019



6th- Orchard Park Service 2pm

5th- Men's Brotherhood

8th- Seasoned Believers Night Out

13th- Business Meeting

16th- Youth Valentine's Party

17th- Orchard Park Service 2pm

22-23rd- Texarkana VBS Seminar


1st- Seasoned Belivers Night Out

3rd- Orchard Park Service 2pm, Lord's Supper

5th- Men's Brotherhood

10th- Daylight Savings Time-- Spring Forward

11th-15th- Spring Break

13th- Business Meeting

17th- Orchard Park Service 2pm

31st- 5th Sunday Fellowship


2nd- Men's Brotherhood

5th- Seasoned Belivers Night Out

7th- Orchard Park Service 2pm

17th- Business Meeting

21st- Easter Sunrise Service 8am- Men serve breakfast- Egg hunt 9am- Regular Morning Services- no evening services or Orchard Park services.


3rd- Seasoned Belivers Night Out

5th- Orchard Park Service 2pm

7th- Men's Brotherhood

12th- Mother's Day

15th- Business Meeting

19th- Orchard Park Service 2pm


1st- Graduation Party

2nd- Orchard Park Service, Lord's Supper

4th- Men's Brotherhood

7th- Seasoned Belivers Night Out

Pine Springs Baptist Camp

Our youth go off to camp June 10th - 14th

12th- Business Meeting


16th- Father's Day, No Orchard Park service


17th-20th- American Baptist Association Annual Messanger Meeting

Vacation Bible School 2019

Sunday June 23rd- Thursday 27th

6:30pm - 8:30pm

Age 4 - 12th Grade


2nd- Men's Brotherhood


7th- Orchard Park Service 2pm


12th-Seasoned Belivers Night Out


17th- Business Meeting


21st- Orchard Park service


2nd- Seasoned Believers Night Out


4th- Orchard Park Service


6th- Men's Brotherhood


14th- Business Meeting


21st- Orchard Park Service


1st- Orchard Park Service, Lord's Supper


3rd- Men's Brotherhood


6th- Seasoned Believer's Night Out


11th- Business Meeting


15th- Orchard Park Service


29th- Fifth Sunday Fellowship


1st- Men's Brotherhood


4th-Seasoned Belivers night Out


6th- Orchard Park Service


16th- Business Meeting


20th- Orchard Park Service


26th- Fall Festival


1st- Seasoned Believers Night Out


3rd- Daylight Savings Time Ends- Fall Back, Orchard Park Service


5th- Men's Brotherhood


11-13th- Texas State ABA Meeting


13th- Business Meeting


17th- Orchard Park Service


26th- Wednesday Service moved to Tuesday Night for Thanksgiving


28th- Thanksgiving


TBD- Mexico Trip


1st- Orchard Park Service, Lord's Supper


3rd- Men's Brotherhood


11th- Business Meeting


13th- Seasoned Belivers Christmas Party


14th- Youth Christmas Party


15th- Christmas Fellowship Dinner, No Orchard Park Service


24th- Candlelight Service


25th- Christmas Day


Baker Drive Baptist Church

3900 Baker Drive

Dickinson, TX 77539


Across from Dickinson High School


Phone: (281) 337-4234 

Opportunities for Service

Sunday School 9:45am

Morning Worship 10:50am

Evening Worship 6:00pm

Wednesday 7:00pm



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