Our History

Baker Drive Baptist Church, formerly known as Dickinson Missionary Baptist Church, was organized on April 11, 1963 with thirteen charter members. The Texas City Missionary Baptist Church sponsored this work and the group first met in the Dickinson Elementary School with Bro. W.E. Bradford as their pastor.


The church moved into its present location and building on July of 1963. Since that time she has added additional education space, bricked the entire church building and built a parsonage adjacent to the church.


In October 1964 the church became a church fellowshipping within the South Texas Association.


On November 10, 1964 the church became part of the Missionary Baptist Association of Texas and in June 1965 a member of the American Baptist Association.


On February 1, 1978, in regular business meeting the church changed her name from Dickinson Missionary Baptist Church to Baker Drive Baptist Church


Previous pastors include: W.E. Bradford, Anderson Morris, Larry Neeley, Glyn Gary, Raymond J. Lewis, Carroll Jones, John Williams, Leslie Wells, Gary Griffith, Carl Strickland and Bro. Joe Bozarth. Bro. Steven McGehee is our current pastor. 




Baker Drive Baptist Church

3900 Baker Drive

Dickinson, TX 77539


Across from Dickinson High School


Phone: (281) 337-4234 

Opportunities for Service

Sunday School 9:45am

Morning Worship 10:50am

Evening Worship 6:00pm

Wednesday 7:00pm



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© Baker Drive Baptist Church